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As of BSP v0.95, the keyboard is fully configurable. The keyboard configuration dialog can be accessed from File->Preferences->Keyboard. This tool makes it easy to look up keyboard shortcuts and also get descriptions for command names.

Keyboard settings are saved to "keyboard.cfg" in the Settings directory. "Keyboard.cfg" will override default key mappings on a per-key basis, so any keys not explicitly defined here would be set to their defaults by BSP. To make a key with default assignment do nothing, "CM_NOOP" can be assigned to it.

Each line of keyboard.ini must use the following format:

     [none | ctrl+alt+shift] [key_name] [CM_command]

Note: [key_name] can be determined by typing shortcuts into the Keyboard Configuration dialog.


     ctrl space CM_EDITCLONE
     none escape CM_DESELECT_ALL

Displaying All Key Mappings

To get a full list of keyboard bindings, go to Help->Show Key Mappings from the main menu.


Keyboard Configuration Dialog


OK Button
Applies any changes made to the current BSP session and closes the dialog window.

Cancel Button
This will cancel any changes made, but cannot undo past "Save To Disk".

Shortcut Edit
When this box has focus, it will capture any shortcut keys you press. If the key is mapped to a command, the command will be selected in the list below. Because of this, when setting keys you must set the shortcut first followed by the selecting the command.

Commands List
This list contains all of the configurable commands.

Set Key
Assigns the selected command to the shortcut key.

Shows a text description and each bound key for the command selected in the Commands List.

Save To Disk
This applies all changes made (Cancel won't undo) and writes the settings to "keyboard.ini".

Restore BSP Defaults
Removes all assigned keys and reloads from internal settings.