Global: Post Effects

Post-Lighting Effects
    _ambient, light
Updating Lightmaps

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Post-Lighting Effects

These global lighting settings are applied after all normal lighting has been calculated, right before it is saved to the bsp.

Note: The -nominlimit setting has been removed from ArghRad, and it is now the default behavior. The old behavior can be achieved by setting both -ambienta and -minlighta to the same value.

-ambienta  brightness

location: command-line    version: 1.00  
brightness: 0-255 default: 0

Sets the brightness of the ambient lighting. Ambient light is added to every surface in the map, even where no other light is shining. Brightness is a standard "absolute" level (easier than the original qrad3's -ambient 0-2 scale).

Note: This overrides any _ambient light settings in the Worldspawn.

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_ambient  brightness
_ambient  red green blue
light  brightness
light  red green blue

location: worldspawn    version: 1.00  
brightness: 0-255
red green blue: 0-255 each
default: 0
default: 0 0 0

Sets the brightness of the ambient lighting from within the map's Worldspawn. Ambient light is added to every surface in the map, even where no other light shines. The value can take one of two forms:

brightness - A single brightness value for plain white ambient light.

red green blue - Three separate brightness values for red, green, and blue ambient lighting (not a standard RGB color).

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-maxlighta  brightness

location: command-line    version: 1.00  
brightness: 0-255 default: 196

Sets the global maximum brightness level. All lighting samples brighter than this value are scaled down to match it. This helps keep the lighting from becoming too bright for the game to display properly. Brightness is a standard "absolute" level (easier than the original qrad3's -maxlight 0-2 scale).

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-minlighta  value

location: command-line    version: 3.00  
value: 0-255 default: 0

Sets the global minimum brightness level. All lighting samples darker than this value are scaled up to match it. Brightness is a standard "absolute" level.

Note: This setting's behavior has changed from previous versions of ArghRad (where it was just a synonym for -ambienta).

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-minlight  value

location: command-line    version: 3.00  
value: 0-2 default: 0

This is the same as -minlighta, except it uses the original qrad3's 0-2 brightness scale (brightness = 128 * value). Use of -minlighta is recommended instead.

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-gamma  scale

location: command-line    version: 3.00  
scale: 0-1 (darker),  > 1 (lighter) default: 1

Sets the gamma scale, used in applying a gamma correction curve to the final map lighting. Values less than 1 will darken the lighting. Values greater than 1 will brighten it.

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location: command-line    version: 1.00  
no values default: disabled (color on)

Converts all colored lighting to plain white light. It uses a color-weighted formula similar to a black-and-white TV: brightness = red*.299 + green*.588 + blue*.113

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location: command-line    version: 1.00  
no values default: disabled (color on)

Converts all colored lighting to plain white light. The colors are "unweighted", they all contribute equally in the conversion: brightness = (red + blue + green) / 3

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-saturation  scale

location: command-line    version: 3.00  
scale: 0-1 default: 1

Scales the saturation of the colored lighting. Scale ranges from 0.0 (no color) to 1.0 (normal full color).

Note: By default, this option makes use of the -nocolor formula. This can be changed to use the -nocoloru formula by also including -nocoloru on the command-line.

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location: command-line    version: 2.00  
no values default: disabled (all lighting saved)

Ignores the normal lighting, and only saves the bounced light to the bsp. Originally added just for testing purposes, but mappers may find it helpful too.

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Updating Lightmaps

For bsps that are already lit, ArghRad can update various aspects of the existing lighting without having to perform the full light-casting calculations.


location: command-line    version: 3.00  
no values default: disabled (normal lighting calculations)

Skips the normal lighting calculations, and just updates the existing lightmaps using the other global settings specified. Settings that can be used with -update are: -ambienta, -ambient, -saturation, -nocolor, -nocoloru, -scale, -gamma, -minlighta, -minlight, -maxlighta, and -maxlight.

Note: Changes are generally not reversable, so it may be smart to backup the .bsp first (otherwise it will require a normal full relight). Also, using -update many times successively on the same .bsp may degrade the quality of the lighting.

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Global: Behavior
Global: Disables