Lesson 3 - Brush Subtraction, More Lighting, Monsters
Note: This tutorial was written for Quake mappers. I have also created a
Quake2 version
and a
Hexen2 version of this same tutorial. Read that if you are doing maps for either of those
games. The content is the same; it's just the texture/entities/screenshots that have
Welcome back. In lessons 1 and 2, we've been
creating a map. If you did those lessons, you should have a file
called 'Lesson2.map'. If you don't have it you can download it
In this lesson, we'll work on adding a little more
light to our map by adding a window in the ceiling. Then, as promised,
we'll put our first monster in! Now we can blow sumthin' up!
As you remember from lesson 2, our map has 4
lightposts, but there is a dark spot in the center of the room. If we
add a skylight in the ceiling and put an invisible light source in it,
it will look like light from the sky is shining into our room. In
order to add a window, we'll need to use a technique called brush
Brush subtraction is used whenever you want to cut
a hole in a brush you already have drawn. The process involves making
a brush in the shape of the hole you want to make, positioning this
brush so that it sticks through the brush you want to make the hole
in, subtracting the brush, and deleting the subtracted brush
(optional, depending on what effect you're creating). It's not as
complicated as it sounds, but it can be a little tricky. Don't worry,
though, I'll go through each step in detail.
If you haven't done so already, start up BSP and
load 'Lesson2.map'. Before we change anything, let's save our map
under the name 'Lesson3.map'. That way we won't change anything we've
already done.
Switch over to the Top View and draw a brush from
(-128, 64) to (128, -64). Now switch to a either the Front View or the
Right View and drag the top of your new brush to 144. Drag the bottom
of the brush to 120. Notice how this brush 'sticks through' our
ceiling brush now. This brush is going to end up being a metal border
around our skylight, so it sticks out the bottom of the ceiling a
little. This isn't necessary, but adds a little decor to the map.
Go ahead and switch to the Texture Browser window
and apply the texture 'MMETAL1_6' to our new brush. You know, while
we're at it, let's make our brush something other than a boring old
rectangle. For that we'll need to clip off the corners, like we
learned in Lesson 2. Switch back to
the top view and clip from (-128, 40) to (-96, 64). Also clip from
(96, 64) to (128, 40), (128, -40) to (96, -64), and (-96, -64) to
(-128, -40). If you need more specific instructions on how to do this,
refer back to
Lesson 2.
Once you've got this brush clipped into shape,
click on the 'Subtract' button to subtract it from the ceiling brush.

Subtract Button
Now, let's make another brush that will end up being the sky. Hit {esc} to
deselect your new brush and draw a brush from (-120, 56) to (120,
-56). Now clip off the corners so that it fits inside the Metal brush
we just drew. Clip points will be (-120, 32) to (-88, 56), (-88, -56)
to (-120, -32), (120, -32) to (88, -56), and (88, 56) to (120, 32).
Next, switch to the Front View and
drag the top of our Sky brush to 160. Drag the bottom of the Sky brush
to 112. Let's go ahead and apply a sky texture to the brush. I chose
'Sky1'. That is a nice dark sky.
Now, while we're still in the Front View, click on
the 'Subtract' button.

Subtract Button
When you click this button, what actually happens
is this: Each brush that your Subtraction Brush intersects gets
divided up into a bunch of smaller brushes. That way we don't end up
with any illegal brush shapes that cause Quake to crash. You don't
really need to know this, but after you cut out this hole, you will
see your ceiling brush has been split up into several brushes. Just
thought you would like to know why.
Now that we've subtracted the brush, we can move
the bottom of our sky brush (it should still be selected) up to 144.
That way the sky will appear to be above the window, which is the
effect we want. We could delete the brush altogether, leaving a hole
in the ceiling. This would be handy if we were going to put another
room above this one, but in this case we left our Subtraction Brush
and used it for the sky.
Okay, we're almost ready to try our map out, but we
need to add a light source in the window before we do. That way light
will appear to come in through the window. Switch back to the Top view
and make a 16x16 brush, centered on the coordinates (0,0). Switch to
the Entity Window, make it a 'Light' and assign 'light' '300' as the
Key/Value pair. Switch to the Front view and drag your Light up until
the top of the Light sits on 144, which is the bottom of our 'Sky'.
Well, we're ready to try out our map, so save it
and compile it. Once Quake runs, look up at the sky shining in through
the ceiling. Neat, huh? You might also notice there is the sound of
wind now. This is thanks to Quake. Whenever you use a sky texture,
Quake adds this sound to your map. It adds a little atmosphere to the
game, don't you think? Also notice that the center of our room is
lighter now. Actually, this room's looking pretty good.
You can see how easy it is to create interesting
effects with brush subtraction. In the next lesson, we'll use
subtraction to make a door and connect to another room.
Okay, now as promised, we'll make a monster in our
map. While we're at it, let's make a different monster appear
depending on what skill level you're playing. That's an easy way to
make your map playable by people who are new to Quake, as well as
still being enjoyable by veterans.
Draw a new brush from (-192, 16) to (-160, -16).
Switch to the Entity Window and make this brush into a 'monster_army'
entity. That will make a standard Grunt that you can kill pretty
easily. After you click on 'Make Entity', click the '0' button, to
make the monster face East, then check the '!hard' and '!dm'
checkboxes. That will prevent this monster from showing up in the Hard
skill level and from showing up in Deathmatch. They don't show up in
Quake in Deathmatch anyway, but it never hurts to set this just in
case. Make sure to set the skill flags after you click 'Make Entity' not
before. If you do it before, you will actually apply the skill flags to your
worldspawn entity and your map won't run.
Okay, now switch to the Front view and check to
make sure the bottom of the entity brush is resting against the floor,
and that's all there is to it. We've just created a monster. Save your
map and play it if you want, but we're not quite finished yet.
Deselect your brush and draw a new one on the same
spot as the first one. That way this monster will appear in the same
spot as our Grunt. Now switch to the Entity Window, select
'monster_enforcer' from the drop-down list and click on the 'Make
Entity' button to create an Enforcer (a little tougher than an
ordinary Grunt). Now while you're in the Entity window, clear the
'!hard' box and check the '!easy', '!norm', and '!dm' boxes. This will
make the Enforcer appear only in the Hard skill level. You might be wondering
about Nightmare skill? In Quake, this is the same as Hard skill, but the monsters
are faster.
Got it? Alright! Now, save your map as
'Lesson3.map' and
compile it.
Now when Quake runs, you should see a grunt standing in front of you.
Let it kill you. (I know it's hard not to blast away isn't it?) After
you're dead, hit '~' to bring down the console and type 'skill 2'. Hit
'~' again to remove the console and hit the 'ctrl' button to restart
the map. Now, instead of a grunt, there should be an enforcer. Same
map, different difficulty level. If you want, you can let it kill you
and switch back to 'Skill 1' to see the grunt, but take my word for
it. It's still there.
Whenever you're done playing with your new-found
friends, exit Quake and return to BSP. We're going to go ahead and
delete both monsters. I know you went to a lot of work to create them,
but everytime you play-test your level, they will be there just
waiting. They can really get in the way for now, so let's just get rid
of them. Select one of the monster brushes (the enforcer is probably
still selected) and click on the Trashcan button to delete it. Now do
the same with the other monster. That way we can play-test our level in
peace, but at least you know how easy it is to control the difficulty
levels in your maps.
Well, that wraps up Lesson 3. In the next lesson,
we'll make a second room and build a door to connect it to the first.
See you then.
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BSP is the sole creation of
Yahn Bernier. I am only a
dedicated user, reporting news and making tutorials so Yahn can spend more
time enhancing BSP.
This web page was created and is being
maintained by me (DeadMeat). Unless otherwise noted, all content appearing on this site
was written by me. Also, 'DeadMeat's BSP Tutorials' were created entirely by me. All unauthorized use is
prohibited. (c) 1997. So there :-P